
Lesson 1: Piano Chord Hacks #1: Intro To Chording
Assignment: Learn 4 chords (1=Cmaj 5=Gmaj 6=Amin 4=Fmaj)

Lesson 2: Piano Chord Hacks #2: Inversion Basics
Assignment: Learn inversions of 4 chords (1=Cmaj 5=Gmaj 6=Amin 4=Fmaj)

Lesson 3: The 3 Most Popular Pop Chord Progressions
Assignment: Learn 4 chords (1=Cmaj 5=Gmaj 6=Amin 4=Fmaj) with inversions over these three progressions:
1) 1-5-6-4 progression (starts @2min:21sec)
2) 6-4-1-5 progression (starts @4min:43sec)
3) 1-6-4-5 progression (starts @10min:02sec)

Lesson 4: Create Emotion With Just 3 Notes (Amin Fmaj Gmaj Emin - - melody BCG)

Lesson 5 :Play This Beautiful & Simple Piano Riff (Only 5 Notes) (key of F#major)

Lesson 6: Create Emotion With 4 Notes (Amin Cmaj Gmaj Fmaj) simple RH melody

The Best Way To Practice Chords (using Dmajor - diatonic planing)

Play Piano With Lisa - Scales (FULL Play-Along Lesson)
This is a big lesson, here are all the chapters:
0:00 Intro
0:45 Warm-up stretches
1:22 Correct posture
1:56 Ex. 1 - C scale (RH)
3:01 C scale (LH)
4:12 C scale (HT)
6:11 Ex. 2 - Speed/Staccato
7:41 Ex. 3 - Relative minor scale
8:37 Ex. 4 - Major + minor scale together
9:56 Ex. 5 - Scales + fifths - musical scales
10:56 Ex. 6 - Hand independence
12:30 Ex. 7 - Try new scales
13:47 Ex. 8 - Harmonizing scales