Whister Repertoire April 2019

Please note: this is a judged festival we are participating in. All musicians are responsible for practising outside of class (choir should memorize all music) and attending all rehearsals. If rehearsals are missed musicians will be asked to email an audio recording of their performance in order to be able to play/sing with the ensemble in Whistler. The conductors reserve the right to ask a musician to sit out of performing if they have not prepared themselves for the festival while they are in Whistler. This is all about the team effort! Let's sound strong!

Our Choir Rep
Come Unto Me - SAB
Nda Wana - Sofia/Himmit on solo part - Evens on sticks, Cheryl on Djembe
The Luckiest SAB - Cheryl piano - solo Daniel Mendoza & Jaden Bullock
I Choose Love SAB - Cheryl piano

Two Mass Choir Pieces
The Road Not Taken
Carpenters Of God