‘1619,’ a Podcast From The New York Times: An audio series on how slavery has transformed America, connecting past and present through the oldest form of storytelling.
The host is Wesley Morris https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesley_Morris
Listen to #3: The Birth of American Music
America heard the sound of complete artistic freedom in black music, and then claimed that music as its own. “And that’s ironic,” Wesley Morris tells us. “Because this is the sound of a people who, for decades and centuries, have been denied freedom.” Released on Sept. 6, 2019.
SFU: Diaspora Institute (June Francis)
What is unconscious bias? from https://diversity.ucsf.edu/resources/unconscious-bias
Bias is a prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another usually in a way that’s considered to be unfair. Biases may be held by an individual, group, or institution and can have negative or positive consequences.
There are types of biases: Conscious bias (also known as explicit bias) and Unconscious bias (also known as implicit bias)
It is important to note that biases, conscious or unconscious, are not limited to ethnicity and race. Though racial bias and discrimination are well documented, biases may exist toward any social group. One’s age, gender, gender identity physical abilities, religion, sexual orientation, weight, and many other characteristics are subject to bias.
Unconscious biases are social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside their own conscious awareness. Everyone holds unconscious beliefs about various social and identity groups, and these biases stem from one’s tendency to organize social worlds by categorizing.
Unconscious bias is far more prevalent than conscious prejudice and often incompatible with one’s conscious values. Certain scenarios can activate unconscious attitudes and beliefs. For example, biases may be more prevalent when multi-tasking or working under time pressure.
Burnaby South Burnaby South Anti-Racism Committee links:
(Are you an Ally or Co-conspirator)
(How microaggressions impact)
(how to deal with microaggressions)
How to deal with microaggressions in class (opinion) (insidehighered.com)
(Addressing microaggressions in classrooms)
Addressing microaggressions in the classroom | Center for Teaching and Learning (washington.edu)
(University of Denmar)
Creating a Safe Student Environment:
Language :
No, racial slurs can’t serve ‘educational purposes.’ - OUSA
Experiences (Student Voice) :
How Mindfulness Can Defeat Racial Bias (berkeley.edu)
(On differential treatment of students based on racial bias)
(Stereotyping in youth + a small portion about the "model minority myth" in schools)
(10 ways teachers can fight racism) https://www.weareteachers.com/teachers-fight-racism/
(How systemic racism infiltrates education)
Anti-Racism Education in Canada | The Canadian Encyclopedia
(Slide show guide) https://www.learningforjustice.org/sites/default/files/general/Responding%20to%20Hate%20at%20School%20ONLINE_3.pdf
Becoming an Anti-racist educator:
More info (organized links) :
[Links for book recommendations]
Adults :
(Non-Fiction) https://surrey.bibliocommons.com/list/share/138070021_surreylibraries_reads/1879567921_intersectional_reads_for_adults
(On differential treatment of students based on racial bias)
This (short) article talks about stereotyping in youth. Although there's only a small portion about the "model minority myth" in schools. http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/race-policy-dialogue-papers/stereotyping-and-its-consequence-racial-minority-youth
A podcast called "Seeing White". The main focuses of this series is to explore the concept of "whiteness", where it came from, and its effects on society:
Here's another podcast called "Speaking of Racism". I think the name is quite self-explanatory ;)